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Dog Agility Classes

Dog Agility Classes in Hauppauge, NY

Dogs were born to run, and it’s not a surprise when they are filled with energy and want to play. Whether you just want to have fun with your dog or you plan to compete, agility classes are an excellent way to spend quality time with your pet while burning their energy and using their minds. Any breed of dog is capable of learning agility with proper training and guidance. After just a few lessons, your dog will have all the skills needed to go over, under, around, or through obstacles. 

There are many benefits of teaching your dog agility for both yourself and your canine companion. Continue reading to learn more!
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Benefits of Agility Training for Your Dog

Agility training provides multiple benefits to your dog and their health, including:

An Energy Outlet: Dog training is a perfect way to allow your dog the space to let loose and run around freely, while still achieving the goals of agility classes. Agility training can also be a mental release for your dog if they are frequently stressed, too.

Builds Confidence: As your dog goes through the agility classes, they will build their confidence as they bond with you and learn how to tackle obstacles and fears. They will also build confidence from being rewarded after each accomplishment.

Self-Control Development: While running around freely is great for your pet in general, dog agility classes help to harness their energy into a more controlled state. Dog training and agility practice teaches them how to control their energy and use it in a directed way when you ask them to complete a task.

Strengthens Instincts: All dogs are born with natural instincts that help to protect them in dangerous situations. But living in a domestic home where all of their needs are met for them, these instincts dull over time. Dog agility classes help to build their drive, allowing them to experience an environment similar to having to chase prey and be out in the wild.  

Builds a Strong Bond: Working with your canine during training helps to establish trust in the relationship between you and your dog. This will also build their confidence. 


Call Today To Get Started!

If you think that agility may be a good option for your dog to get moving, K-9 Center has the knowledge and experience to either get you started or freshen up your skills. We understand each dog is unique, but with proper training any dog can build the structure they want or need in their life. If you are located in or around Hauppauge or Suffolk County, NY, trust the experts at K-9 Center to start your dog on its agility journey. Give us a call today to schedule a lesson!

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